Everyone who buys groceries has noticed that food prices are higher than they used to be. Can this actually be a good thing for you and your family? Is there a silver lining? Yes! What!?Yes!! Take this opportunity to learn how to make better food choices and develop habits that will serve you and your … Continued
It’s easy to get overwhelmed this time of year with all of the good habits we’re told we must begin at the start of a new year: exercise more, eat healthier, cut down on alcohol, improve social connections, improve sleep quality. These are just a few but the list is a long one for sure. … Continued
I often get asked by my patients if they can adjust their own spines. That is a fair question! Who hasn’t moved or twisted a certain way and heard a “cracking” or “popping” sound? There may also have been a feeling of temporary relief followed by such a movement. Today, I will be answering this … Continued
In this video, Dr. Derek Haughton shares his recent experience with vertigo and how chiropractic helped him. I want to tell you a story about something that happened to me a few weeks ago. I got out of bed, put my feet on the floor and immediately had the room spinning. I almost fell onto … Continued
An unprecedented number of people are having to work from home due to Covid-19 and the self-isolation measures in place to limit the spread of the virus. Many were caught off guard at how rapidly life changed, and few had the opportunity to properly prepare an ergonomic workstation at home. In these two videos, I … Continued
Do you ever wonder if choosing to live a healthy lifestyle is worth it? Do healthy habits and routines really make a difference? (Insert that story you heard once about your friend’s uncle who lived to be 100, smoked a pack a day, never exercised, and ate bacon every morning.). There are so many decisions … Continued
Over the summer, our family had the opportunity to spend a day at Science North in Sudbury, Ontario. Not only was it a much needed break during a long road trip, but it also ended up being a highlight for our family. The first area of the museum we visited was the Body Worlds exhibit* … Continued
When you think about growing older, what do you envision for your future? Do you picture yourself spending time with friends and family? Do you imagine remaining active and vibrant? Do you envision continuing to use your unique talents and skills to make a contribution to your community? Good health doesn’t just happen. There are … Continued
What a great example nature sets for us as we witness the miracle of beautiful flowers, blooming trees, and green grass that the spring rains bring! Water is vitally important for nature and our physical bodies are no exception. Let’s look closer into why water is so important to us (especially for our spinal joints!), … Continued
There are many small habits you do each day without even thinking about them. Some of these habits could be having a negative effect on your spine and ultimately on your health overall. Which of the following 4 habits do you need to change? Carrying a heavy backpack or purse incorrectlyIf you use a backpack … Continued